Monday, March 12, 2012


Jim Rohn:
Over the years, I have been teaching kids about a simple yet powerful concept: The Ant Philosophy. I think everybody should study ants. They have an amazing four-part philosophy.

     1. Ants Never Quit
That’s a good maxim. If they’re headed somewhere and you try to stop them, they’ll look for another way. They’ll climb over and under, they’ll crawl around and they keep looking for another way – they don’t give up. What an awesome philosophy to never quit finding ways to reach where you want to go. A true role model!
     2. Ants think about “winter” all summer
What a circumspect attitude. It simply wouldn’t make sense to think summer will last forever. Ants collect their food for the winter all over summer.
Quotations like “don’t build your house on sand” are founded. A house needs a foundation to last and very much the same way we need to look ahead and need to do things in a well structured way as the ants – never deterred by averse “winds”.
      3. Ants think about “summer” all winter
This is so important. During the winter ants keep reminding themselves “This won’t last long – we’ll soon be out again” and on the first warm day, the ants come out of their winter domicile. They are flexible though – when it turns cold again, they dive back in.  however they sense the warmth and can’t wait to stay out doing their job.
     4. How much will an ant collect in summer to prepare for the winter
The answer is: All they possibly can. What an incredible “all-you-possibly-can” philosophy!